Simon King-Underwood

I trained at Epsom University for the Creative Arts in ‘Fashion Illustration and Photography’ and graduated in 1994. Having raised a family I am now re-focussed on my creativity and resumed working in 2018.

My creative time is split between village life in Cambridgeshire where I am a member of a weekly life drawing group and regular residential trips to the UK coast, where I enjoy ‘Plein Air’ sketching.

More recently I have been experimenting with geometric art and digital photography and have been working under the description ‘Geometric Constructivism’. I use geometric marks to create semi-illusionistic and multi-dimensional patterns and often I like to play with the subject using unfamiliar mediums.

My Creative Philosophy is ‘Art for Art’s Sake’. The phrase ‘art for art’s sake’ (from the French l’art pour l’art) condenses the notion that art has its own value and should be judged apart from any themes which it might touch on, such as morality, religion, history, or politics. It teaches that judgements of aesthetic value should not be confused with those proper to other spheres of life.


